I Am Allowed To Cry
I am allowed to cry. I know that crying can be good for me. I give myself permission to let my tears fall. Crying relieves my stress. My tears help to wash toxins and stress hormones out of my body. I feel cleansed and refreshed. Crying shows me where I want to make changes in my life. I look for the reasons behind my anger and sadness. I work at becoming more assertive or dealing with rejection. I find more constructive ways to handle situations that disturb me. Crying...
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How Living In The Moment Can Help With Your Grief
When you're living in the moment, your focus is on that moment only. The past and the future can't touch you. It can be a difficult task to put your feelings about the past or future aside. It's like when someone says, "Don't think of a pink elephant!" Did you think of one, just now? Well, your grief is sometimes that pink elephant and it seems like there's nowhere to turn. In this situation, you can look for help from present moment thinking. Remaining in the present takes...
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