Sermon for December 12, 2021

Season #14

Sermon preached at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Kensington, CT.  

Third Sunday of Advent Year C

Texts: Zephaniah 3:14-20  • Isaiah 12:2-6  • Philippians 4:4-7  • Luke 3:7-18

"What I believe we all need is to be reminded again and again about the promise of God.  The promise of Joy given to you and me.  A promise of Grace, Hope and love given to you and me.  A promise that is given to us by Jesus.  And John the Baptist recognized this and he knew he had to clear the way for Jesus to come to every one of us.  

There are times when we need to clear the way so we can open ourselves up to the possibilities of Gods love. 

So we come to church. We confess to God what we have done and what we have left undone and then we hear the good news—that God continues to love us and God forgives us all of our sins."

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